Trading Central

Make smarter trading decisions with our advanced algorithms generating real-time trading signals. Our trading signals identify opportunities across thousands of markets so you can execute informed trades with confidence.

Trading Central

How it Works

Eurotrader has partnered with leading signal provider Trading Central to seamlessly integrate actionable trading alerts into our platforms.

Trading Central’s team of experienced analysts use proprietary algorithms to scan markets identifying high-probability trading opportunities.

Once a trade signal is triggered, it is sent directly to your Eurotrader dashboard in real-time.

Key Features

The service is available for Eurotrader account holders with our Pro Package and higher. Activate trading signals and seize trading opportunities as they emerge. The power of algorithmic analysis is now at your fingertips.

Coverage for 1000+ markets including forex, indices, commodities, stocks and more

Web, desktop and mobile alerts so signals reach you anytime, anywhere

Detailed analysis with entry price, stop loss and take profit levels

Risk ratings clearly define the 
risk profile of each trade signal

Short, medium and long-term signal durations to match your strategy

Customizable signal filters to 
only see what is relevant to you

Download & Install

Download the plugin and go through the easy installation process to get up and running immediately. 
Please contact us if you need help.

Is this your first time?

Download the plugin file and double-click the file to execute it. A simple wizard guides you through the process in your language of choice.

Download 1
Download 2

Upgrading from our previous plugin?

Have you already installed previous versions of MetaTrader plugins from Trading Central? You may require Admin rights using the new wizard to uninstall previous versions. Please contact us if you need help.

Using the indicators

After running the installation program, you’ll find Trading Central indicators alongside others.

Find our indicators

Locate Trading Central indicators along with the others in your MetaTrader indicator list.


Drag and drop

Simply drag an indicator onto the chart and get actionable insights immediately! Get started with our original Analyst Views indicator.